Crime Victim Compensation

Contact the Crime Victim Advocate for assistance:

Thalia Lopez, Crime Victim Advocate

Thalia Lopez
(972) 707-3832
[email protected]

The Crime Victim Advocate can assist you in applying for benefits from Crime Victims’ Compensation (CVC) from the Attorney General’s office of Texas. We will provide you with an application, we will send the required documentation to CVC, and notify service providers that a claim has been applied for and is pending. Crime Victim’s Compensation is the “payor of last resort”. If you feel like you qualify you may apply online or call an advocate near you to help with your application.

Administered by The Attorney General’s Office, Crime victims’ Compensation Division
P.O. Box 12198
Austin, TX 78711-2198
1 (800) 983-9933

Financial assistance the CVC can aid:

  • Medical, rehabilitative services
  • Counseling
  • Partial loss of earnings, because of a disability resulting from personal injury;
  • Childcare for minor children to enable a victim or spouse of a deceased victim to continue employment;
  •  Certain funeral and burial expenses
  • Cost associated with crime scene cleanup
  • Relocation for victim of Domestic violence and Sexual assault survivors


VINE Link is a 24hr service to receives information on county jail status and court dates. Register your email and /or phone number to receive notification.

Toll Free: 1 (877) 894-8463


IVSS is for information on offenders that have been transferred to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (State jail custody). Victims that are registered in VINE (county level) will not be automatically registered for IVSS. You sign up at the portal:

TDCJ Victim Division: 1 (800) 848-4284


The Pseudonym form request that law enforcement to remove the victim’s name from public files and records concerning the offense. Access instructions and forms