"Plat" and "Survey" are two terms that are often used interchangeably in real estate. However, there are differences between the two. Listed below are the differences and similarities between plats and surveys.
What Plat and Survey have in common?
- Both a depiction of a tract of land
- They can both show a very small tract or a very large tract
- Each can show the dimensions of the property
- They both show the location of the property (county, land lot, district, abutting streets etc.)
What is different with Plat and Survey?
- A survey will show any dwellings, buildings or improvements (driveways, fences, pools) located on the property; A plat usually shows the dimensions of the property before the improvements are made.
- A plat will often cover more than one lot or parcel of land. For example, a developer will have a plat of an entire subdivision drawn; A survey usually only shows one lot or a limited number of lots.
- Plats are often drawn in order to be recorded at the courthouse for public use; surveys are usually only for the personal use of the owner of the property.
If you have any questions please contact staff at (972) 780-5000 or email planningandzoning@duncanvilletx.gov and we would be happy to assist you with your project.
Plat and replats are approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission meet the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Plat Application

The applicant will need to provide background data for the plat and engineered plans, if required, along with the application, application fee, and plat drawings.
For approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, submit a minimum of six black line copies of the plat, or replat, and one mylar, all with original signatures, prior to the meeting. After approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the chairman will sign the plat or replat. All copies are then returned to the applicant for filing at Dallas County.
After filing, the applicant should return six prints and the one mylar to the city with the recording information.
If you have any questions please contact staff at (972) 780-5000 or email planningandzoning@duncanvilletx.gov and we would be happy to assist you with your project.
A detailed outline of the requirements to build a commercial or residential project in Duncanville can be obtained by viewing Duncanville's Development Standards.
Other Helpful Information:
Commercial Development Guidelines
Residential Development Guidelines
Accessory Building Requirements
If you have any questions regarding Zoning, please contact staff at (972) 780-5000 or email planningandzoning@duncanvilletx.gov and we would be happy to assist you with your project.
For inquiries regarding how to apply for a building permit, building permit fees and contractor registration, please contact Permit and Inspections Services at 972-780-5000 or email permits@duncanvilletx.gov.
To set up a pre-development meeting, please complete a Project Assessment Form and email it to planningandzoning@duncanvilletx.gov. Please make sure to include the following with your completed form:
- Existing floor plan (if applicable)
- Proposed floor plan (detailed and dimensioned)
- Professional Site Plan (new development/re-development)
Preliminary Plat: $250.00 per plat.
Final Plat - Residential: $500.00 (Base Fee + $5.00 per lot.)
Final Plat - Apartment: $500.00 (Base Fee + $10.00 per unit.)
Final Plat - Other: $500.00 (Base Fee +$50.00 per acre.)
Replat: $500.00 per plat.
Planned Development Site Plan Review: $250.00
Zoning Change - Planned Development: $1,050.00 per development.
Zoning Change - Single Residential Lot: $500.00
Zoning Change - Specific Use Permit: $1,150.00
Zoning Change - All Others: $1,050.00
Variance Request (Zoning Board of Adjustment) - $500.00