Planning and Zoning

Zoning Ordinance Update Adopted by the Duncanville City Council on March 2, 2021.

With the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in September 2017, the City of Duncanville provided a framework for future development decisions and set the direction for change. A primary action for implementing the Comprehensive Plan is a zoning ordinance revision. The City of Duncanville began the process to update the Zoning Ordinance, with the help from planning consultants at Freese and Nichols. On March 2, 2021, City Council members adopted the major update of the Zoning Ordinance.

The three primary goals of the zoning ordinance update are:

  • To update and correct outdated regulations,
  • Address redevelopment, and
  • Align the ordinance with the vision established in the Comprehensive Plan.

A key achievement of updating the Zoning Ordinance is removing regulatory barriers to redevelopment.

For more information please see Duncanville's Zoning Ordinance  or contact Planning and Zoning at (972) 780-5000 or email

About Us

The Planning Division of Development Services manages the City's long-range plans and develops ordinances and policies that implement these plans, and facilitates the land development process. Our mission is to shape the physical development of the City through sound planning. We work closely with the development community to ensure careful and thoughtful compliance with all City codes, policies and ordinances. In doing so, we help to establish safe and attractive residential neighborhoods and commercial areas.

Development Review Process/Pre-Development Requests

Visit the Citizen Access Portal for the Following:

  • Zoning Change Application
  • Plat Application
  • Project Assessment Form (pre-development meeting request)
  • Zoning Board of Adjustment Application

Zoning Submittal Calendar


Below are the most commonly asked question about site development and the development process in the City of Duncanville. Although these questions are generic and cannot cover every project or answer all of your questions, they should direct you to the correct department. The City of Duncanville encourages you to meet with planning staff and schedule a pre-development meeting to assist you with your project.

Planning & Zoning Commission

Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote commerce and neighborhood preservation through orderly review, study, and consideration of zoning issues relative to state and local laws; consider zoning requests and make recommendations to the City Council; and review all zoning categories and allowed uses, making recommendations as needed. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall act as an Advisory Board to the City Council on planning and zoning matters.

Learn About the Planning and Zoning Commission

When are Planning and Zoning Commission meetings?

The Planning and Zoning Commission meets the second Monday of each month. Agendas for each meeting are posted at City Hall and on the city website. Meetings are open to the public. 



Visit the Citizen Access Portal