Duncanville ISD Voters to Consider a School Bond Election
Posted on 08/22/2023
Duncanville ISD Voters to Consider a School Bond Election

Bond Program to Address Maintenance & Security Updates, School Bus Replacements, Expansion of Career & Technical Education Programs, and Campus Reconfigurations for an Early Childhood Center

August 21, 2023 - The Duncanville Independent School District Board of Trustees has called for a $170 million bond package for the November 2023 election cycle. Registered voters residing within the Duncanville ISD boundaries are asked to vote on two propositions that would generate funding for districtwide maintenance and security updates, school bus replacements, expansion of the Career & Technical Education program at Duncanville High School, technology upgrades, and campus reconfigurations to accommodate an early childhood center and increase school choice opportunities for families.

Although the school district’s total tax rate will be lower than last year due to the state’s property tax relief bill, the 2023 bond package could include a $.0485 rate increase on the Interest and Sinking (I&S) portion of the Duncanville ISD tax rate. By itself, the expected I&S rate increase is estimated to be approximately $8.08 a month on a home valued at $200,000. When combined with the decreased Maintenance and Operations rate, the total tax rate will actually be lower than in 2022-2023.

Duncanville ISD property taxes for citizens age 65 or older would not be affected by the school bond election as long as a homestead and over 65 exemption application have been filed with the Dallas Central Appraisal District.

The Citizens’ Facility Advisory Committee, made up of a diverse group of Duncanville ISD staff, parents, and community members, has been meeting over the course of a few months to study and prioritize the District’s needs and the bond proposal is based on their recommendations.

“We are grateful to the Committee’s commitment and investment in the bond planning process,” said Dr. Marc Smith, Duncanville ISD Superintendent.

The two Duncanville ISD propositions include:

  • Proposition A: Renovations & Capital Improvements; CTE Addition, Transportation; Technology Infrastructure - $161,177,000
  • Proposition B: Districtwide Technology Upgrades - $8,823,000

Proposition A includes major architectural renovations for grade alignment, Career & Technical Education expansion at Duncanville High School, replacement of HVAC systems and roofs districtwide, school bus replacements, safety and security updates at all campuses, ADA compliance updates, exterior improvements and repairs, fuel tank replacement, and technology infrastructure and network upgrades.

Proposition B is for the replacement of digital projectors with interactive monitors at all schools and District facilities.

The deadline to register to vote in the November 2023 election is Tuesday, October 10, 2023.

All Duncanville ISD residents eligible to vote are encouraged to check their voter registration status and vote in the election.

Early voting for the November 2023 election is October 23-November 3, 2023.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

 For additional information, Duncanville ISD residents are encouraged to visit https://www.duncanvilleisd.org/bond2023 for more information.


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