Weekly Update: April 12, 2024
Posted on 04/12/2024
Weekly Update: April 12, 2024

Project Management Updates

  • The Energov Implementation is on track to launch in mid-August 2024.
  • Coordination of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the 200 W. Center St. acquisition is underway.

The City of Duncanville engaged MRB Group to undertake an Economic Development Organizational Assessment. As a key stakeholder in Duncanville's economic development efforts, we ask you to fill out this survey to show your perspectives on how we are currently structured for economic development functions and current and future economic opportunities and challenges the City faces. Your feedback will inform MRB Group on the best path forward for City economic development strategies and organization.TAKE THE SURVEY

Please complete this survey by Friday, April 12, 2024 at 5:00 PM. If you have questions, please email ggrissett@mrbgroup.com

Call 811 Before You Dig Llame al 811 antes de excavar
Every year in April, National Safe Digging Month is an opportunity to remind homeowners, contractors, and professional excavators to keep communities safe by calling 811 before any digging project. 

Did you know that the most common cause of outside natural gas leaks is digging or construction that disturbs natural gas pipelines? Pipelines carry natural gas around the clock to more than 76 million homes and businesses in the United States, yet we seldom notice these energy superhighways because they are underground.

Become a safety ambassador and visit atmosenergy.com/call811pledge to sign the Atmos Energy Call 811 Pledge!

  • The Fire Department staffed the event command post, an ambulance, an EMS cart, and a Squad Unit during the Solar Eclipse event at Armstrong Park. The event went very smoothly, with only one patient being seen for a medical emergency.

  • Regional Emergency Management Operations Coordinator Lauren Sanchez is coordinating a training exercise that will include all the regional public safety agencies. This exercise is a huge undertaking that will better prepare the agencies for large-scale emergencies. Ms. Sanchez is also gathering data and documents for the Dallas County Hazard Mitigation Plan. 
Fire Station 271 Grand Opening Flyer 


The Duncanville Police Department will host a Light of Hope event on April 25 at Lakeside Park in observance of Crime Victim’s Rights Week.

Light of Hope Event

Crime Prevention Officer Michelle Arias visited Duncanville Health and Rehabilitation Center residents during her Concha’s with a Cop event, where she helped call out the winning Bingo numbers!

Ofc. Arias calling Bingo numbers
Officer Michelle Arias visited Duncanville Health and Rehabilitation Center.

The Police Department will host a Civil Service exam on June 8. Learn more.

Duncanville Police Department is Now Hiring!


On April 11, 2024, at 4:28 p.m., Duncanville Police Department Officers were dispatched to a suspicious activity call for service in the 1300 block of Circle Drive. The reporting party advised that he located a missile-shaped object, possibly an explosive while digging in his backyard. The reporting party was instructed to evacuate his home immediately.

Read more


Accounting & Reporting – Week of April 4 – April 10: 

  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Payments: 59 invoices were processed, totaling $315,989.91.


Items scheduled for the April 25 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting

  • 1759 Meadow Crest Lane
    • Lot Area
    • Lot Width
  • 1302 West Ridge Drive
    • Lot Width

Items scheduled for the April 29 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting

Items scheduled for the May 13 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting



  • The Parks and Recreation Department has been selected for a grant award through the Texas A&M Forest Service Community Forestry Grants program.
  • Staff hosted the Kidsville Grand Opening event at Armstrong Park.
  • Staff hosted the Solar Eclipse Concert and Watch events at Armstrong Park.
  • Crews prepared Athletic fields for Games and Practices.
  • Tulips and pansies have been removed.
  • Crews installed seasonal color at City Hall/PD, the Annex, the Recreation Center, the Library, the Senior Center, James Collins, Red Bird, and the Main St. corridor.
  • Fire Station 1 has been sprayed.
  • The drinking fountains at Red Bird and Harrington Parks have been repaired.

Duncanville Fieldhouse

The 2024 B.O.S.S. Summer Camp registration begins on April 15.

Upcoming Events:

  • Puma Basketball Tournament, four courts – Friday, 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM, Saturday, 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Sunday, 8:00 AM to 4:00PM
  • Duncanville Islamic Center IFTAR Service, three courts – Wednesday, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
  • Breakthrough Basketball Camp, two courts – Sunday, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
  • Masters League Adult Basketball League II, three courts – Sunday, 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM

D.L. Hopkins Jr. Senior Center

Become a member today! The minimum age to join is 50 years old. For more information, contact the Senior Center at (972) 707-3864.

Upcoming Events

Recreation Center            

Kidsville and Splash Pad Grand Opening Recap

This past weekend was full of laughter and fun activities for families looking for adventure and excitement. On Saturday, April 6, 2024, we celebrated the grand opening of the new Kidsville Splash Pad and Playground with approximately 2,000 attendees. Thank you to Joe V’s Smart Shop for sponsoring all guests' hotdogs, chips, and beverages. Thank you to Kraftsman, LP, for sponsoring the Kona Ice Snowcones. Shortly after the grand opening, over 100 attendees joined us for Movies in the Park feat—the Super Mario Bros. Movie.   

The Duncanville City Council, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and Mermbers of the Park Staff cut the ribbon at the Grand Opening of the new Kidsville and Splash Pad

Dark in the Park: A Solar Eclipse Festival Recap

On Sunday, April 7, approximately 2,500 attendees joined us to hear the electrifying sounds of The Emerald City Band. Attendees explored vendors offering unique goods and services and indulged in family-friendly activities, including a thrilling zipline adventure and bounce houses. On Monday, April 8, approximately 3,000 attendees secured their ideal spot to witness the highly anticipated solar eclipse. DJ Chingo Gringo kept the energy high with an eclectic mix of tunes. Free eclipse sunglasses were provided to all attendees for a safe and enjoyable viewing experience. Approximately 4,600 free eclipse sunglasses were provided to the community and Duncanville ISD schools.  

Duncanville residents and visitors watch the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse


Duncanville 300 Jr. Grand Prix

Duncanville 300 Jr. Grand Prix – Saturday, April 20, 2024 | 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

The Duncanville 300 Jr. Grand Prix is back! Join us for a fun event at the Duncanville Recreation Center on Saturday, April 20. We have just over 10 Big Wheel tricycles for races that will take place upstairs on the walking track. In addition, we will build a mini track for the tikes on the West court in the gym. Lastly, we will have obstacle courses, prizes, popcorn, candy, and water for spectators. Admission is FREE. Contact the Recreation Center at (972) 780-5070 for more information.

Concert in the Park feat. Hazard County

Concert in the Park feat. Hazard County – Saturday, April 27, 2024 | 7:00 PM

Join us on Saturday, April 27, at the Poe-Hobden Amphitheater at Armstrong Park for a Concert in the Park feat. Hazard County. This band has opened for big-name groups at Billy Bobs, such as Travis Tritt, Kameron Marlowe, Shenandoah, and Jake Worthington. Spectators can sing along to country favorites and dance the night away. Admission is FREE. The concert will begin at 7:00 PM. Don’t forget to bring your blanket or lawn chair. Contact the Recreation Center at (972) 780-5070 for more information.


 Certificates of Occupancy Applications Received – Week of April 4 through 10:

  • Changing of Ownership: 700 S. Cockrell Hill Rd., Suite #180
  • New Business Active Building Permit 24-0067: 602 S. Clark Rd.

Certificates of Occupancy - Certificates Issued – Week of April 4 through 10:

  • Tax office, new occupancy: 606 Oriole Blvd., Suite #100, Bldg. 1 
  • Change Ownership, new occupancy: 1035 E. Hwy 67
  • Auto work, no painting, new occupancy: 706 E. Red Bird Ln., Suite #11


Street Division

  • Crews removed debris from right-of-way on Danieldale Rd.
  • Staff patched 38 potholes on Johnson St., N. Greenstone Ln., Wren Ave./Cockrell Hill Rd., Wheatland Rd. at Kensington Dr., Duncanville Rd., Cliffwood Dr., Granada Dr., E. Camp Wisdom Rd., and Ten Mile Ln.
  • Staff constructed an ADA ramp at the 500 Blk. Magnolia Ln.
  • Crews cleaned 97 drainage grate inlets.
  • Staff assisted with barricades for the Solar Eclipse special event.
  • Utility sidewalks/drive approach was poured at Acton Ave.

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Construction

Fire Station

  • Temporary irrigation has been removed.
  • Core Construction is continuing to complete punch list items. 

Cherry Alley Phase 1

  • The final inspection has been conducted, and no punch items will be addressed. 
  • The final closeout has begun. 

E. Danieldale Rd. Reconstruction and Utility Improvements Project

  • Oncor has begun to install power.
  • Hydro mulch spraying is scheduled to begin this week.

Ten Mile Creek Embankment and Drainage Improvements

  • The Contractor has received the RCP pipe delivery for the storm inlet.
  • Production has been stalled this week due to rain conditions.

Other Construction

  • Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) I-20 Construction Cockrell Hill Rd. to Hampton Rd. TxDOT is constructing new service roads and ramps from Cockrell Hill Rd. in Duncanville to Hampton Rd. in Dallas, including new bridges across US-67. This project also includes construction by TXDOT of a Texas U-Turn at US 67 and Cockrell Hill Rd. on the southwest side of the bridge, which is projected to be completed by Fall 2024, barring any unforeseen conditions. The entire project has an estimated completion date of September 2025.


The Human Resources Department is currently recruiting for the following positions:

The Firefighter entry eligibility examination will be held on May 11, 2024. | The Police Officer examination will be held on June 8, 2024.


Neighborhood Services Completed 4 Abatements at the following locations:

  • Freeman Street
  • Linda Lane
  • Trail Ridge
  • Cherry Street

  • A total of 1,970 single-family rental properties have been registered to date, with two new properties registered since the last update. Twenty-six inspections have been completed since the previous update; fifteen passed, eleven failed, and zero were canceled. The primary reasons for the failed inspections were the absence of GFCI protection and missing carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.
  • Since the Single-Family Rental Registration Program inspections in April 2024, 127 Certificates of Occupancy have been re-issued.
  • This week, 98 Building inspections and 18 health Inspections were conducted. The total amount of fees collected was $37,519.22.
  • This week, 99 permits were issued. 



Champion Weekly Update for April 1, 2024

April 2024 Champion Newsletter


Focus Daily News
Kidsville Playground’s Grand Opening Kicks Off Three Day Festival in Duncanville

The grand opening of the new Kidsville Playground in Duncanville’s Armstrong Park on April 6 kicked off three days of free festivities for the community. Armstrong Park was packed Saturday afternoon, with hordes of excited kids, their parents¸ grandparents, and other relatives relishing the return of the playground... Read the article

Focus Daily News
Duncanville Names Greg Chase As Interim Fire Chief
Duncanville, TX – During the Tuesday, April 2, 2024, Regular Meeting of the Duncanville City Council, the governing body approved City Manager Douglas Finch’s...Read the article
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