Photo: On Saturday, October 26, the Duncanville Police Department hosted their annual Open House. This year it featured a spooky theme and included Halloween activities for kids of all ages. Pictured above, Chief of Police Matt Stogner poses with the costume contest winner. |
- A total of 1,973 single-family rental properties have been registered to date, with no new properties registered since the last update. 28 inspections have been completed since the previous update; 25 passed, 3 failed, and none were canceled. The primary reasons for the failed inspections were the absence of a Grounded/Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection, missing carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, and improper installation of water heaters.
- Since the Single-Family Rental Registration Program inspections in October 2024, 471 Certificates of Occupancy have been re-issued.
- This week, 116 Building inspections and 15 Health Inspections were conducted. The total amount of fees collected was $19,109.30.
- This week, 93 permits were issued.
October 29, 2024
Mansfield Commercial Builder Turns Temporarily Residential in "Military Makeover"
Military Makeover Season 1 Jones Family Episode 1 Airs November 8 2024 on Lifetime
The highly anticipated season premiere of “Military Makeover” is set to air on November 8, 2024, at 8:30 AM on Lifetime. This season kicks off with the Jones family, who will be the 40th family to receive a heartfelt transformation. Montel Williams, along with experts Art Edmonds and Jennifer Bertrand, heads to Duncanville, Texas, to meet Kevin and Francesca Jones.
Viewers will witness the emotional journey as the team works to create a beautiful and functional home for the Jones family. Kevin, a dedicated military member, and Francesca, a supportive partner, have sacrificed so much for their country. The episode will delve into their story, showcasing the challenges they face and the joy of receiving much-needed help.
As the makeover unfolds, the team will bring their skills and creativity to the forefront. The transformation promises to be inspiring and uplifting, highlighting the strength of the Jones family and the community’s support. This episode is sure to touch hearts and remind everyone of the importance of giving back to those who serve.
Release Date & Time: 8:30 AM Friday 8 November 2024 on Lifetime
Source: TV Everyday
Read the Champion Newsletter for October 2024 and the October 28, 2024 Weekly Champion
West Nile Virus (WNV) Samples Results
Testing conducted by Dallas County Mosquito Control.
October 9, 2024 - Negative
October 16, 2024 - Negative
October 23, 2024 - Negative
October 30, 2024 - Negative
To prevent the spread of mosquitoes, residents should remove all areas of standing water. Residents should also report all pools that are not well maintained and abandoned homes where mosquitoes are likely to breed to either City of Duncanville Health Services by calling (972) 780-5000 or through the OurDuncanville app, available on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Everyone should continue to protect themselves against the West Nile Virus by using insect repellent containing DEET. Citizens are also encouraged to remain indoors during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
- Pappas Adult Basketball League, two courts – Tuesday, 6:30 PM to
10:30 PM
- Brodie Adult Recreation Basketball League, two courts – Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
- Next-up Youth Basketball League, three courts – Sunday, 6:30 AM to 9:30 PM
- International Kickboxing Federation (IKF) Point Mury Tia (PMT), three courts – Saturday, 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
- Bridge Academy Basketball League, two courts – Sunday, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

The Fire Department responded to 113 calls for service in the past seven days, which included:
- Fires: 0
- Emergency Medical Service: 71
- Motor Vehicle Accidents: 9
Emergency Medical Services:
Continued progress on completing the make-ready work to get the two new ambulances in service. One warranty issue is outstanding, and placing equipment on the units. The goal is to have the new ambulances in service by mid-November.
Emergency Management:
- Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) Sanchez and Emergency Management (EM) Specialist Payne attended the DeSoto Community Organizations Active in Disasters 3-year Celebration Event.
- On October 26, staff coordinated with the American Red Cross and DeSoto Fire Department for a Smoke Alarm Installation Event in DeSoto.
- On October 26, EM Specialist Payne and Intern Tabetha provided Emergency Management information at the Duncanville Police Department Open House (pictured above).
- EM Staff completed the quarterly update of the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) registrants for all four Best Southwest cities.
- EMC Sanchez discussed emergency response and child reunification with University Method Education (UME) Preparatory Academy in Duncanville.
- EM Staff updated and submitted Annex B-Communications for all four cities to the State.
- EMC Sanchez delivered a commencement speech at the DeSoto Fire Academy graduation.
Fire Marshal:
This week, the Fire Marshall’s Office conducted 8 business inspections and 8 plan reviews; it completed 1 food truck inspection and 1 fire suppression system acceptance test.
The Police Department welcomes the public to access for resources; citizens can sign up for crime alerts within their location's radius.

- On October 23, Officer Alvidrez, Evidence Tech Sara Youssef, and Crime Analyst Stacy Trevino attended the Tarrant County College Job Fair Bash. Officer Marshall and Alvidrez participated in a public safety job fair at the University of North Texas (UNT), Dallas campus.
- On October 23, the Police Department held its Annual Police Retiree’s Firearms Qualification. The men and women qualifying represented 442 years of service to the City of Duncanville.
- On October 24, the Duncanville Police Department hosted the monthly Faith Leader’s breakfast in the Department’s training room. Chief Stogner, Assistant Chief Wilcots, and Officer Michelle Arias were in attendance and represented the Police Department.
- On October 25, Officer Michelle Arias participated in the City’s annual “Boo Bash” event at the Field House, where she passed out goodies and provided resources.
- October 26 was the DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Evidence Technicians Sara Youssef and Kathleen Durham set up a collection point in the Police Department lobby from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. During that time, they collected approximately sixty pounds of prescription drugs, which, with this collection, brought the total for the past six months to 248 pounds.
- On October 26, the Duncanville Police Department held a “Spooky” Open House event at the Police Department from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM to meet and engage the public. The event yielded a great turnout and consisted of costume contests, free pizza, candy, donuts, soft drinks, station tours, officer meet and greets, and bounce houses. A big congratulations to our costume winners! Special thanks to Councilmember McBurnett for stopping by and helping us judge the tough competition—everyone looked fantastic! Huge appreciation goes to our dedicated Professional Staff, Officers, Citizens on Patrol (COPs), Duncanville ISD Police Department, HBL Towing & Recovery, American Hero Martial Arts, and all our amazing vendors for making this event possible.
- The Library was excited to participate in the annual Boo Bash Event on Friday, October 25. Library staff and wonderful teen volunteers gave out candy and library swag and shared info about our great programs and materials with nearly 1600 visitors to the event. We saw lots of great costumes and happy faces!
- This week, the Library held Halloween-themed story times and welcomed nearly 50 excited guests for our Nursery Rhyme Time.
- Best Southwest Libraries:
- For the week of October 19-25, 2024 – 268 items were transferred between the various Best Southwest libraries.
Upcoming Events
Duncanville Writers’ Group – Monday November 4, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Free Family Picture Day – Fall-themed photos Saturday, November 9, 2024, from 11:00 AM -1:00 PM
Ongoing Events
Computer Basics – Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Tech Tutors – Wednesdays 7:00 PM
Items discussed during the Duncanville Community & Economic Development Corporation (DCEDC) meeting on October 28, 2024:
- Mr. Marlon Goff is the new President of the DCEDC Board; Mr. Charles Reed will retain his position as Vice President
- Mr. Brandon Scott Shelby of Shelby Law, PLLC, has been retained as the legal consult for the DCEDC.
The DCEDC board approved the following requests and will go to City Council for final approval:
- North Texas Care Clinic requested funding to expand its practice.
- Ferrante Hair Studio request for funding to update the landscape on Main Street
- Matt Balke from Encina Restaurant request for funding to attain property and relocate to Duncanville
Accounting & Reporting – Week of October 24 to October 30:
- Electronic Funds Transfer Payments: 29 invoices were processed, totaling $78,554.70.
The Human Resources Department is currently recruiting for the following positions:
The Human Resources Department is currently recruiting. Interested candidates may review current openings, including job descriptions, and apply online at Current Openings
D.L. Hopkins Jr. Senior Center |
Become a member today! The minimum age to join is 50. For more information, contact the Senior Center at (972) 707-3864.
Upcoming Senior Center Events:
- Crews painted soccer fields
- Staff prepped for Duncanville Boys Baseball Inc. end-of-season tournament
- Crews mowed the Fire Station and non-overseeded fields at Harrington Park
- New plant removal and till soil additions for planter beds have been completed
Keep Duncanville Beautiful Board
The Keep Duncanville Beautiful Board hosted their Sustainability Engagement Efforts in Duncanville event, a Blackland prairie restoration project at Lakeside Park. Thank you to all the volunteers who showed up to help sow.
Arbor Day Celebration - Saturday, November 2 | 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Join the City of Duncanville and Keep Duncanville Beautiful for its annual Arbor Day Tree Planting & Celebration from 9:00 AM —11:00 AM on Saturday, November 2, at Armstrong Park! Arbor Day is a nationally celebrated observance that encourages tree planting and care. The event is free to attend and open to all ages. Educational materials on trees will be provided, a new tree will be dedicated, and free saplings will be distributed to attendees while supplies last. Saplings are limited to two per household.
To volunteer and for more information contact KDB at
Pumpkin Collection - Saturday, November 9 | 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Join Keep Duncanville Beautiful (KDB) for a Pumpkin Collection benefitting the Izzy Wildlife Rescue & Rehab! KDB will collect unpainted pumpkins of any size to support an important cause. For more information, contact KDB at
Recreation Center
Thank you to everyone that came out for this year’s Boo Bash event. The event was a huge success; we can’t wait to do it again next year! Many thanks to our vendors, staff, and volunteers who stayed to ensure everyone had a great time.
Planning and Zoning |
- Items scheduled for the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting. Date to be determined.
- Variance request to reduce the minimum lot area and minimum lot width at 10 Fairway Drive.
- Variance request to permit an existing patio and concrete slab that encroaches into the build-to-line at 1427 Oriole Boulevard.
- Variance request to reduce the minimum lot width at 627 Michaels Drive.
- Short-Term Rental Registration
- 5 Properties were granted a Specific Use Permit by the City Council since July 2022. 1 of the 5 properties are no longer operating as a short-term rental.
- The City has been in discussions with several companies that offer short-term rental tracking services. The City will make a final decision within the following weeks.
- Temporary Workforce Housing Program
- 3 properties were granted a Specific Use Permit by the City Council on May 21, 2024. All 3 properties have completed inspection and registration for the year 2024.
- Monday, September 23, 2024 – Planning and Zoning Commission meeting
- Item 4, “Conduct a Public hearing (2024-19) for consideration and action regarding the request of Monte Anderson, owner, for an Amendment to a Planned Development (Ordinance No. 2461) on Wheatland Plaza Shopping Center, Blk 1, LT A & ABND Alley ACS 7.502, more commonly known as 402 East Wheatland Road, Duncanville, Dallas County, Texas.” was unanimously approved with the following conditions:
- The use of a Child Care Facility, Daycare is only permitted with a Specific Use Permit
- Omit the proposed addition of Section 2.CC
- Revise Exhibit C to remove Subarea 2 and replace it with Subarea 3.
- Item 4, “Conduct a Public hearing (2024-19) for consideration and action regarding the request of Monte Anderson, owner, for an Amendment to a Planned Development (Ordinance No. 2461) on Wheatland Plaza Shopping Center, Blk 1, LT A & ABND Alley ACS 7.502, more commonly known as 402 East Wheatland Road, Duncanville, Dallas County, Texas.” Determined to not have appropriate notice, lacking detail. Must return to Planning and Zoning Commission.
- Development Review Committee Items:
- Duncanville ISD
- 704 N Main Street
- Wheatland Plaza
- Parkwood Plaza Townhomes
Street Division
- Crews repaired utility cuts on Oriole Boulevard and Sunset Village.
- Sidewalks were repaired on Kelly Court.
- The curb and gutter were repaired on Center Street.
- A fallen tree was removed on Jungle Drive.
- Several potholes were repaired throughout the City.
- Crews inspected 85 inlets throughout the City.
- Low-hanging tree branches obstructing traffic were removed on Valleyview Lane.
Utilities Division
Water usage was 39,980,600 gallons during this reporting period, October 21 –October 27, 2024, up from 42,383,600 the previous week. The daily peak water demand occurred on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, when 6,473,000 gallons of water was used. There was 0.00 inches of precipitation during this period. An estimated 96,250 gallons of water loss, including a water main break.
CIP Construction
- Wren Avenue and Oriole Boulevard Water Main Replacement I-20 Aerial Crossing
- Staff are working with the contractor to close out the project. There are no new updates.
Softwood Drive Sanitary Sewer Aerial Crossing Repair
- The sewer line installation is complete. Crews await materials testing and manhole liners.
Ten Mile Creek Embankment and Drainage Improvements
- Stoic Construction is completing the last components of the project. There are no new updates.
Oriole ADA Sidewalk Improvements
- Stoic Construction has completed the project. They are cleaning the project site and drop yard.
Harrington Park/Ten Mile
- The Harington Park and Ten Mile portions are 95% complete.
- Insituform Technologies, LLC, continues pipebursting from Beaver Creek to Beaver Creek Circle. Street repairs on Beaver Creek and Shady Tree Place have been completed.
Other Construction
Texas Department of Transportation TxDOT is constructing new service roads and ramps from Cockrell Hill Road in Duncanville to Hampton Road in Dallas, including new bridges across US-67. This project also includes construction by TXDOT of a Texas U-Turn at US 67 and Cockrell Hill Road on the southwest side of the bridge, which is projected to be completed by Fall 2024, barring any unforeseen conditions. The entire project has an estimated completion date of September 2025.