City of Duncanville Sister City Monasterolo di Savigliano

Sister City History

Municipality of Monasterolo di Savigliano SealThe relationship between Duncanville and Monasterolo di Savigliano (located in the Province of Cuneo in the region of Piedmont, Italy), had its earliest beginnings in 1994 and 1995 through the friendship between Drs. Nancy and Cecil Wood (dentists in Duncanville at the time) and Mr. Dario Crosetto (a physicist formerly with the “super collider” and a native of Monasterolo di Savigliano, Italy).

The friendship blossomed into a semi-formal visit to Duncanville in 1997 by a delegation of Italians, including Monasterolo di Savigliano Mayor Antonio Prochietto. Under the leadership of then-Mayor Ed Purcell, the City of Duncanville sponsored a reception at City Hall in recognition of the Italian guests.

In 1998, the Duncanville City Council passed a resolution supporting the “twin-city” (Gemelaggio, in Italian) relationship. In July, a delegation of 13 Texans, including State Senator Jane Nelson, were led by Mayor Glenn Repp to Monasterolo di Savigliano to participate in a formal ceremony instituting the arrangement. Italian dignitaries attended the celebration.

In September 1999, a delegation of 39 Italians from all walks of life visited the City of Duncanville to formalize the Sister City program. During their stay, they were hosted by local citizens. A formal ratification ceremony was held at City Hall on September 28th with an exchange of documentation and gifts. Local dignitaries, including City Council members, staff, Duncanville Independent School (ISD) Administration officials, and the Honorary Vice Council of Italy participated. The visitors were treated to tours of local businesses, as well as a visit to the State Capitol, San Antonio, Galveston, and the Houston Space Center. They witnessed the Duncanville ISD homecoming parade as well as a football game.

Sister City Day

In March 2016, Mayor Marco Cavaglià visited Duncanville to reaffirm the partnership. City leaders showcased Duncanville and held a reception at City Hall honoring Mayor Cavaglià and his wife. A Proclamation was signed decreeing Monday, March 21, 2016, as Sister City Day in Duncanville.

Duncanville Tower

A special corner of its remodeled castle was dedicated to Duncanville entitled “The Duncanville Tower.” Located in the southeast tower of Il castello di Monasterolo di Savigliano, displays a movie about the City of Duncanville and the history of the Sister City relationship. A grand opening was held in June during Texas Senator Jane Nelson's visit to Monasterolo di Savigliano.


Monasterolo di Savigliano, Italy WEATHER

Sister City Resolutions