1. Sales Tax has been trending slightly downward. FY 2025 proposed budget assumes no increase in sales tax revenue. This chart shows the 10-year history. Forty-three percent of Duncanville’s collections are from the retail trade segment, such as retail, grocery stores and this segment has been trending less compared to this time last year. The convenience of online shopping continues as “brick and mortar” stores soften. Sales tax is the second largest source of revenue for the General Fund. The proposed budget assumes no increase.
2. Property Tax – the Certified Taxable Values are 8.91% higher than the 2023 certified values. Dallas Central Appraisal District released the certified values on July 25 and Dallas County provided the tax rate calculation on 07/26/24. Property Tax is the largest source of revenue for the General Fund. In March 2024, City Council voted to increase the homestead exemption to $40,000 for Seniors and Disabled. The proposed budget assumes the voter approval rate. This increases revenue by approximately $934,496, or 4.03%, compared to the 2023 adjusted tax levy.

Turn mobile devices to landscape to view the table
Service of Fee - Monthly
FY 2023-24 |
FY 2024-25 Estimate
$$ Change |
Typical Rate Payer Defined:
Water & Sewer |
$112.28 |
$120.42 |
$8.14 |
Single-family, under 65 residential 6,000 GAL |
Garbage |
$27.58 |
$28.96 |
$1.38 |
Singe-family curbside |
Drainage |
$3.50 |
$5.00 |
$1.50 |
$143.36 |
$154.38 |
$11.02 |
Property Tax (City Portion) |
$119.89 |
$124.99 |
$5.10 |
2023 SFR - $222,690
2024 SFR Est. - $243,957
$263.25 |
$279.37 |
$16.12 |
Annual Property Tax Impact |
$1,438.68 |
$1,499.93 |
$61.25 |
- Water and Sewer rates based on the third year of the five-year rate increase model Ordinance 2230R passed August 16, 2022.
- Garbage collection fees based on projected 5.4% CPI increase to the City’s garbage collection contract. 5% increase projected to pass along to customers.
- Increase stormwater fee to $5.00 a month, from $3.50 per month.
- The average taxable value, as used above, includes all residential parcels with all eligible exemptions included. The city tax using the average market value of $304,507 (and assuming no exemptions) equates to approximately $104 more a year or $8.67 more a month. The average market value increased 11.3% compared to 2023.
Re-Imagine High Quality of Life |
- Grow Special Events and Invest in the Arts.
- $365,000 was moved from General Fund support to Economic Development oversight and support to grow events to signature, destination events.
- $105,000 projected support toward the Arts Commission events.
- Establish a K9 Unit - $110,000 and purchase additional FLOCK cameras.
- Continued support of city-wide beautification through Economic Development funds - $240,519
Emphasize Government Accountability, Customer Service, Efficiencies
- Continue to invest in competitive wages and benefits - $1.1 million increase compared to FY24 Adopted Budget across all funds
- 2% COLA and up to 1% merit for eligible employees.
- 100% city paid employee only dental as a strategy to offset the 18% increase in rates and to save 1% on the medical rates to bundle.
- Continue to participate with and support regional partnerships and services - $2.1 million for dispatch, animal, and jail services.
Promote Development and Redevelopment and Develop Infrastructure Improvement Strategy |
- Continue to invest in businesses with redevelopment incentives - $2.2 million
- $150,000 for updated Comprehensive Plan, a 12-month process
- Automated Metering Infrastructure and focus on Service Center renovations
- Update Utility Master Plans
- Facilities Conditions Assessment to develop long-term CIP planning.
- Invest $1.4 million toward the Duncanville Fieldhouse HVAC and roof replacement
Advance the Marketing Strategy of the City and Community Engagement Plan |
- $6,000 in after-hour service to expand non-emergency coverage. Currently only available for Utilities
- $65,000 for newsletter publications, enhanced social media monitoring tool, email news blasts, and website management
- $125,000 from Economic Development for sponsorships
- $20,880 for media mixers, improved meeting and event signage, City Hall open house, and promotional items
• July 16, 2024 - FY 2025 Proposed Budget to Council
• July 25, 2024 - Budget Townhall
• July 25, 2024 - DCAD certifies tax roll. Final tax rate will be amended as necessary
• August 15, 2024 - FY 2025 Proposed Budget workshop with Council
• September 3, 2024 - Budget Public Hearing at regular meeting
• September 17, 2024 - Public hearing on Tax Rate, Adoption of Budget and Tax Levy
Notes: Dallas County will certify the tax rate calculations and provide all the legal verbiage and postings to the City. Estimated date is August 2. The last day to adopt the tax rate is September 18.
READ THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 PROPOSED BUDGET (Amended 07-30-2024)