Hotel Occupancy Tax Information

Exciting News! The Economic Development Department of Duncanville, TX, is thrilled to announce that they are now accepting grant requests for the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT Funds). As per state law, the City of Duncanville collects the HOT Funds from hotels, bed & breakfasts, and other lodging facilities within the city. These funds are specifically designated to promote tourism and support the hotel and convention industry.

HOT tax applications must meet the criteria of a two-part test.

Part 1: Heads in beds; every funded project must attract overnight tourists to the City’s hotels and motels.

Part 2:

In addition to the overnight stay requirement, there are nine categories that the event must fit into to qualify as well.

The 9 Categories are:

  1. Conventions & Visitor Centers
  2. Convention Registration
  3. Advertising the City
  4. Promotion of the Arts
  5. Historical Restoration and Preservation
  6. Sporting events in a county under 1,000,000 in population
  7. Enhancing or upgrading existing sports facilities or sports fields
  8. Tourist transportation systems
  9. Signage directing the public to sites and attractions frequently visited by hotel guests in the City.

We are pleased to offer Hotel Occupancy Tax Grants to events that significantly impact overnight tourism in Duncanville, Texas. To be eligible for funding, projects must meet all the requirements outlined by the State of Texas. The detailed application guidelines and requirements can be found HERE. The deadline for submission is July 31, 2023, by the end of the close of business.

To apply, please submit your completed application by email to or hand-deliver it to the Duncanville Economic Development Department at 203 E Wheatland Rd., Duncanville, TX 75116 or by email to We look forward to reviewing your exciting proposals and contributing to the growth and success of tourism in Duncanville, Texas.

For more information, please call Jeremiah Brewer, Executive Assistant of Development Services, at (972) 707-3871 or by email at