Build a vibrant, inclusive organization, driven by a commitment to value-added customer service.
The mission of the Procurement and Contracting Office is the timely and efficient procurement of quality goods and services for city departments at the best value while complying with all state and local laws.
Purchasing is a division of the Fiscal Services Department that is responsible for the procurement of all services, supplies and equipment at the best possible value while maintaining the highest ethical position in the procurement process.
All bidders have the opportunity to compete and to receive fair consideration of their bids/proposals for the many goods and services that the City of Duncanville requests and obtains each year.
General Overview
The City of Duncanville is a "Home Rule Charter" city and a decentralized purchasing entity, meaning that city departments are responsible for procuring their own commodities and services if they fall under the $50,000 threshold. The Duncanville City Council requires competitive sealed bids or proposals for all purchases exceeding the $50,000 threshold.
The City of Duncanville Purchasing Division follows statutes as outlined in the "Purchasing and Contracting Authority of Municipalities" and as set forth in the State of Texas Local Government code, chapter 252 and guidelines listed in the City of Duncanville's Home Rule Charter.
The City of Duncanville's Fiscal Year begins October 1st of each year and ends September 30th of each year.
Common Goods and Services Needed
Suppliers are encouraged to either check the bid page for solicitations or reach out to the City departmental users who may need goods or supplies that they supply; however, in exercising professional courtesy, it is recommended to first email the Purchasing Department. Purchasing staff can direct the supplier to the department(s) who utilizes their specific products and/or services. Staff may be visited during normal business hours; however, due to heavy workloads, an appointment is advisable.
Bids or Formal Solicitations are not required for purchases under $50,000. Departments are required to use quotes or informal solicitations according to the thresholds outlined in the Purchasing Policy. Therefore, these items are not listed in the Current Bid Opportunities Section. However, the listing below shows common items procured by the City.
Invoices & Payments
You must register as a vendor by submitting a Vendor Packet to the City of Duncanville prior to submitting an invoice or obtaining a purchase order.
The City of Duncanville is creating a new solicitation listing. Please submit an email to the mail address to provide your company’s contact information and types of services you provide. Only vendors currently doing business with the City of Duncanville need to submit a Vendor Packet. The vendor packet is required to facilitate payments to existing vendors.
All invoices should be directed to Accounts Payable. Invoices should be sent via email or may be mailed to:
The City of Duncanville
Attn: Accounts Payable
203 E. Wheatland Road
Duncanville, TX 75116
For questions regarding the status of an invoice or payment, email Accounting, or call at (972) 780-5000.
Tax Exempt Status
The City of Duncanville is exempt from Federal and State taxes. State exemption certificates, W-9 Form and the City's Tax ID Number will be provided by the City, upon request by the supplier.
Conflicts of Interest
Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code requires that any vendor or person considering doing business with a local government entity disclose any information about the vendor's or person's affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest with the local government entity in the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire included in the vendor registration packet.
By law, this questionnaire must be filed with the City Secretary no later than the seventh business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See section 1766 of the Local Government Code for further information.
By submitting a response to a quote, bid or other request, vendors declare compliance with the requirements of Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code.
Vendor Registration
All vendors must register with the City before submitting an invoice or obtaining a purchase order. Download the City's Vendor Packet HERE.
Submitting a vendor packet does not register your business for bid notifications. Please see the Purchasing Page to obtain information on current Bid opportunities or a listing of goods/services that the City may need.
Please submit a vendor packet only if you are currently doing business with the City (to facilitate a Purchase Order or invoice payment). If vendor information has changed such as W9 information, contact information or banking information, a new full packet will be required. Current vendors may be asked to submit an updated vendor packet every 3 years to ensure current information.
If you elect to participate in ACH (Automated Clearing House) payments we will submit our payment to you by depositing directly into the checking or savings account you specify on the enclosed form. Additional verification will be required for ACH enrollment and updates.
Failure to fully complete the required forms could result in removal from the City of Duncanville’s active vendor database or the delay of future payments.
For questions regarding the vendor packet, to obtain a vendor packet or to inquire about your vendor status please contact our Accounts Payables staff by phone at (972) 780-5000 or via email.