B.O.S.S. Summer Camp Moves to New Location
Posted on 06/24/2022

Duncanville, TX – The City of Duncanville is pleased to announce that the B.O.S.S. Summer Camp will be moving to the Crossroads of Life Assembly of God Church (123 W. Hwy. 67, Duncanville, TX 75137) starting Monday, June 27, 2022, and will continue at this location until the end of camp. The church offers the space and amenities, such as classrooms, a dining area, and gymnasium space, that will allow the campers to continue enjoying the programs and activities for which the camp has come to be known.

Parents and guardians will receive information on entry and exit of the church for the safe drop-off and pick-up of children through regular communications from the Camp Director, Coach William Pearson, and his staff.

Security will be provided by the City at Crossroads of Life Assembly of God Church for the duration of the summer camp.


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