You live in Duncanville and your current Duncanville address is on your picture ID.
All you have to do is come in with your ID. We'll do the rest, the process of getting your card will take about 5 minutes.
You live in Duncanville, but your picture ID has a different, non-Duncanville address.
Bring in your ID and a lease agreement or a piece of mail addressed to you at your Duncanville address. This should be something like a lease agreement, bill, or communication from a government agency. Junk mail is not acceptable.
You live in Cedar Hill, DeSoto, or Lancaster and already have a library card for one of them.
Congrats! We accept library cards from those three cities. If you've already got one then you're good to check out here. (Ebooks not included.)
Live in another city...
You've still got options.
Option A: go to your home library and ask them about a TexShare card. You can then bring the TexShare card to us for borrowing privileges. (This does not apply to our ebooks.)
Option B: pay $35 for an annual card. (This does include our ebooks.)
A library card is not required to use our computers. Just ask a staff member for a Guest Pass. They're free.
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