General Information
A permit is required for all accessory buildings.
- The dimensional regulations in Table 4.06.1 shall apply to all accessory buildings.
a. Exception: The dimensional regulations in Table 4.06.1 shall not apply to accessory buildings associated with agricultural purposes on residential lots.
- Accessory buildings are prohibited within easements.
- No permit is required for accessory buildings less than 120 square feet in floor area and less than 13 feet in height.
Table 4.06.1. Accessory Building Requirements

Requirements for residential accessory buildings.
- Accessory buildings may only be used as an accessory dwelling unit as permitted by Section 3.03. Permitted Use Chart.
- Accessory buildings containing livestock (i.e., chickens, hogs, horses, etc.) shall be located at least 15 feet from any existing dwelling on a neighboring property.
- Special exceptions for accessory building requirements. The zoning board of adjustment may allow a special exception from the requirements of this section in accordance with Section 6.10. Special Exceptions, based on findings that the placement and size of the proposed accessory building is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and would not be detrimental to the general health, safety, and welfare of the neighborhood.
Submittal Requirements
Permits may be applied for with the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116, online through the Citizen Access Portal, or email
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Building Permit Application
- Two (2) copies of a property survey showing location of the accessory building and setback dimensions to property lines and structures.
- Drawing or photo of the accessory structure and materials that will be used to build. Minimum 14-gauge post and 26-gauge roofing is required if using metal material.
Accessory Dwelling Unit must be a minimum 400 square feet.
- Structural foundation plans -shall be designed by a Texas State registered engineer. Engineer’s stamp must be affixed to the plan and include certified letter; letter must state - foundation was designed for the soil conditions of the specific lot and that the foundation design criterion complies with the minimum standards required by the 2015 International Residential Code
- Energy compliance path form – completed by a third-party energy provider
- Engineered shear wall design (must be sealed by PE)
- Floor plans with all rooms labeled
- Electrical plans indicating the location of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
- Plumbing plans
- Elevation drawings showing exterior wall construction.
- Window and door sizes
Accessory buildings 120 square feet in area or smaller:
- $50 inspection fee
Accessory buildings greater than 120 square foot area, but 399 square feet or less:
- $75 (includes inspection)
Accessory buildings 400 square or greater:
- $150 (includes inspection)
Accessory Dwelling Unit
Other fees may be required. Email for more information.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
- Foundation
- Framing, plumbing and/or electrical rough, if necessary
- Final Inspection
General Information
A permit is required for the installation or repair of a building sewer.
A building sewer is a pipe that is connected to a sanitary building drain beginning 30 inches outside a wall of a building and that conducts sewage to a public sewer or a private sewage disposal system.
Building sewers shall be a minimum of 12 inches below grade and shall be of an approved material. Cleanouts shall be installed in accordance with city requirements.
All materials used in the installation or repair of a building sewer shall comply with the requirements of the currently adopted edition of the International Plumbing Code and the International Residential Code.
Contractor Requirements
All contractors shall be registered to work in the City of Duncanville. Contractors may register online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items will be required for registration:
- Driver’s license
- State of Texas Master Plumber’s license
Submittal Requirements
Permits may be applied for in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116 or online.
Sewer line installation or repair $75.00
Required Inspections
The following inspections will be required:
- Inspection of the sewer installation is required before backfilling.
- Final inspection: all testing requirements shall be complied with, and final approval given prior to allowing the building sewer to be used for normal service.
General Information
A permit and a Specific Use Permit (SUP) are required for all carports. All construction must comply with the current adopted International Building and/or Residential Codes, as well as the City’s Code of Ordinances.
A carport which is attached to the main structure is considered an addition to the structure; one which is detached is considered and permitted as an accessory building.
Carports must be provided with continuous concrete driveway and/or parking surfaces all the way from the nearest street or alley.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Building Permit Application,
- A survey of the property showing the exact location of the carport and required parking and/or driving surfaces,
- Dimensioned construction plans,
- Plans (must show method by which carport is anchored to the ground or parking surface) and
- All other items required for construction of the required driving and/or parking surfaces.
- Parking and/or driving surfaces require a separate permit.
- Specific Use Permit (SUP)
- Please allow two weeks for residential plan review from the time application is submitted.
- Applicant will be notified when plan review has been completed, at which time you may proceed with the SUP process.
- Permit fee for carport is based on the square footage.
- Permit fee for required driving and/or parking surfaces (separate from carport permit).
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
A cross connection is any physical connection between the drinking water system of a building and a potential source of contaminated water, such that contaminated water could be drawn into the drinking water system. Cross connections are a violation of the plumbing and health codes.
Common Cross Connections
- Garden hoses left on the ground, in a swimming pool or in a bucket of water.
- Drainpipe from a three-compartment sink the end of which is too close to floor drain.
- Hose connected to a sink faucet the other end of which is left in the sink filled with water.
For information about cross connections and applicable regulations contact:
- Indoor plumbing systems: Building Inspection Department, 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116 phone (972) 780-5000.
- Outdoor plumbing and irrigation systems: Cross Connection Inspection, phone (972) 780-5000.
- Food service establishments: City Health Officer, 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116, phone (972) 780-5000.
General Information
A permit is required for all concrete paving, including (but not limited to) the construction or modification of any driveway, drive approach (requires a Right of Way Permit and a paving bond), sidewalk, patio, or parking surface. All construction must comply with the currently adopted edition of the International Building Code, as well as the City’s Code of Ordinances.
Contractor Requirements
Insert contractor registration here: All individuals or contractors doing work on public right-of-way must register as a utility contractor and have a $2,000.00 paving bond payable to the City of Duncanville.
All individuals or contractors doing work on private property must register as a general contractor and provide a copy of the general liability insurance.
Submittal Requirements
Insert permit process here: Permit applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Building Permit Application,
- A survey of the property, giving dimensions of the surfaces to be poured,
- A dimensioned drawing showing the thickness of concrete / asphalt the placement and spacing of reinforcement bars (if required) and psi of concrete
Plan Review & Fees
Master Fee Schedule
- Please allow two weeks for residential plan review from the time application is submitted.
- Applicant will be notified when plan review has been completed, at which time permit fee is payable. You can begin work after fees have been paid.
- Fees:
- Paving permit: 50¢ per square foot, maximum fee $250.00
- Fee for asphalt tie-in to concrete drive approach: $6 per linear foot.
- Subject to double fee is work was completed before permit issuance.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
General Information
A permit is required for all electrical service upgrades, installations, or repairs. All construction and materials used must comply with the currently adopted edition of the National Electrical Code.
Contractor Requirements
All contractors shall be registered to work in the City of Duncanville. Contractors may register online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items will be required for registration:
- Driver’s license,
- State of Texas Master Electrician’s license,
Electrical Contractor license.
Submittal Requirements
Permits may be applied for online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
- Temporary Pole: $75.00
- Electrical Service Change: $75.00
- Meter Change: $75.00
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspections will be required:
- Final inspection upon completion of work.
General Information
A permit is required for any new fence construction, or when 25 linear feet or more of an existing fence is repaired or replaced.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Permit Application,
- Property survey showing location of:
- The fence to be built or repaired,
- Location of property lines,
- Location of main structure on the property and
- Height of fence and material/s used for construction. Maximum height 8ft. Sheet metal fencing is not permitted.
Subject to double fee if work commences prior to permit issuance.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspection will be required:
- Final inspection upon completion of work.
General Information
A permit is required for all foundation repairs, regardless of valuation. Such repairs must be designed and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted online or to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Permit Application and
- Plans of the work approved and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
Plan Review & Fees
- In most cases permits can be issued same day.
- Applicant will be notified when plan review has been completed, at which time permit fee is payable.
- Fee: $150. Subject to double fee is work commences prior to permit issuance.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
A copy of the plans approved by the Building Inspection Department must be on site for all inspections.
A final engineer report is required to be emailed to the Permitting Department upon completion.
General Information
A permit is required for all garage conversions and enclosures. All construction must comply with the currently adopted International Building and Residential Codes, as well as the City’s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, which includes:
a. Two unenclosed, paved parking spaces, plus
b. A one- or two-car garage or Porte Cochere.
(1) Exception: A carport may be provided in lieu of a garage or Porte Cochere upon approval of a specific use permit.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted online or to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Building Permit Application,
- A survey showing the exact location of the carport and required parking and/or driving surfaces,
- Dimensioned construction plans,
- Plans (must show method by which carport is anchored to the ground or parking surface) and
- All other items required for construction of the required driving and/or parking surfaces.
- Parking and/or driving surfaces require a separate permit.
Plan Review & Fees
- Please allow two weeks for plan review from the time application is submitted.
- Applicant will be notified when plan review has been completed, at which time permit fee is payable.
- Fee: $125.00
- Other fees may be required (Accessory Building, SUP). Email the Permitting Department for more information.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspections may be required:
- Plumbing rough
- Framing
- Plumbing top out
- Electrical rough
- Mechanical rough
- Energy (insulation)
- Final
General Information
A permit for is required by any property owner, authorized agent or contractor who desires to install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove or replace the gas service line/s of any residential or non-residential property in the City. Such work is subject to the provisions of the currently adopted edition of the International Fuel Gas Code.
The gas service pipe shall be of such size and so installed as to provide a supply of gas sufficient to meet the maximum demand of all gas-operated appliances in the building. Gas service lines shall be installed a minimum of 12 inches below grade and shall be of approved material.
Contractor Requirements
All contractors shall be registered to work in the City of Duncanville. Contractors may register online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items will be required for registration:
- Driver’s license
- State of Texas Master Plumber’s license
- Plumbing Contractor license
Submittal Requirements
Permits may be applied for online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
Permit Fee
- Gas service line installation or repair: $75.00
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspections will be required:
- Inspection of the gas service line installation is required before backfilling
- Final Inspection: all testing requirements shall be complied with, and final approval given prior to allowing the gas service line to be used for normal service.
General Information
A permit is required for all installations, additions, alterations renovations or repairs to a mechanical system. All work must comply with the manufacturers’ installation instructions and the currently adopted International Mechanical Code.
Appliances shall be accessible for inspection, repair, and replacement without removing permanent construction. A catwalk or passageway shall have continuous solid flooring in accordance with the 2015 International Mechanical Code.
Condensate from all cooling coils or evaporators shall be conveyed from the drain pan outlet to an approved place of disposal. Condensate shall not discharge into a street, alley, or other areas so as to cause a nuisance.
Contractor Requirements
All contractors shall be registered to work in the City of Duncanville. Contractors may register online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items will be required for registration:
- Driver’s license,
- State of Texas Mechanical license,
- Mechanical Contractor license,
- Proof of Insurance payable to the City of Duncanville.
Submittal Requirements
Permits may be applied for online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
Permit Fee
- Complete Heating or air conditioning system change out or repairs: $75.00
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspection will be required:
- Final inspection upon completion of work
The City may not allow for a continuous of permit issuance if the contractor has open permits which have not passed inspection.
Inspection requests can be made by contacting the Building Inspection Line at (972) 780-5000. Inspections must be requested by 4:00 PM for the next business day.
Please provide the following information:
- Project Address
- Type of Inspection
- Requesting AM (between 9:00 AM to noon) or PM (between 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM)
- Contact name and telephone number
Inspection Results
Results of inspections will be left at the job site in the form of an Inspection Report, or you may log into your portal.
- A re-inspection may be scheduled as soon as all deficiencies listed on the Inspection Report have been corrected.
- Please do not call the Building Inspection Department seeking results.
General Information
A permit is required for the installation of landscape irrigation systems, which must comply with the requirements of the currently adopted International Plumbing Code and Texas Administrative Code Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 344.
A backflow prevention device is required at the connection to the water supply and must be independently tested annually by a licensed backflow tester. A list of licensed backflow testers is available in the Duncanville Service Center at 330 Shady Trail Drive, Duncanville, TX 75137.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Permit Application and
- A survey showing the following information:
- Location of all components of the system, including rain or freeze sensors, etc. and
- The material used and method of construction if necessary.
Plan Review & Fee
- Please allow two weeks for a residential plan review from the time application is submitted.
- The applicant will be notified when plan review has been completed, at which time permit fee is payable.
- Permit Fee: $100.00
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspections will be required:
- Depth of trenches, rain & freeze sensors
- Backflow Inspection: call (972) 780-4946 to schedule backflow inspection
General Information
A permit is required for all new construction or remodeling of or addition to a residential building. All construction must comply with the currently adopted International Building Code, as well as the City’s Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Building Permit Application
- Exterior elevation: The views of the various sides of a building from different angles
- Door and window sizes (Windows must be tempered glass in required areas; please submit a picture of UL stickers for windows)
- Foundation plans – shall be designed by a Texas state registered engineer; engineer’s stamp must be affixed to the plan and include certified letter
- Framing and roofing details
- Electrical and plumbing plans – includes fixtures and electric outlets (Electrical and Plumbing work must be inspected prior to insulating.)
- Concrete – must indicate dimensions: length, width, and thickness; must include the number of rebar being utilized with spacing included
Plan Review & Fees
- Please allow three weeks for a plan review from the time application is submitted.
- The applicant will be notified when plan review has been completed, at which time permit fee is payable.
- Fee is based on square footage.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspections will be required:
- Plumbing Rough
- Framing
- Electrical Rough
- Plumbing Top-Out
- Mechanical Ducts & Condensate Drains
- Energy Code
- Electrical Final
- Mechanical Final
- Plumbing Final
- Water & Sewer Service Lines
General Information
A permit is required for the construction of all patio covers, and for decks over thirty inches (30') in height. All construction must comply with the 2015 International Building and Residential Codes.
A patio cover that is attached to the main structure is considered an addition to the structure; one which is detached is considered and permitted as an accessory building.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Building Permit Application,
- A survey or site plan of the property, giving dimensions indicating the location of the patio cover or deck,
- Dimensioned plans or drawings showing the following:
- The method of construction of the patio cover or deck,
- The method of anchoring of the patio cover or deck,
- Materials used and spacing of framing members and
- Guard rails for decks as required by the 2015 International Residential Code. Such guard rails must be no less than 36' in height.
Plan Review & Fees
- Please allow two weeks for a plan review from the time application is submitted.
- Applicant will be notified when plan review has been completed, at which time permit fee is payable.
- Fee is based on square footage.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspection will be required:
- A final inspection upon completion of work.
General Information
A permit is required for the construction of all in-ground or above-ground swimming pools and spas exceeding 5,000 gallons or over 36” in height capacity. All construction must comply with the current adopted International Building and Residential Codes, as well as the City’s Code of Ordinances. Residential plan review may take 1-2 weeks for approval. Commercial plan review may take 2-3 weeks for approval.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted online or to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Permit Application,
- Plans approved by the electrical service provider for overhead wire clearance (whether or not overhead lines exist),
- A survey showing the location of the pool or spa on the property and setbacks to structures and property lines,
- Plans showing the following information:
- Depth and dimensions of pool or spa,
- Installation of a P-trap on the drain line and
- Connection of the drain line to the City’s sanitary sewer system
- Sub-contractor (concrete, electric, mechanical, plumbing) name, address, phone number (Please make sure all contractors are registered with the City of Duncanville.)
- * All sub-contractors will be validated prior to issuing permit. *
Plan Review & Fees
- Please allow two weeks for a plan review from the time application is submitted.
- The applicant will be notified when the plan review has been completed, at which time the permit fee is payable.
Permit Fees:
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
General Information
A permit is required for the installation of retaining walls 4’ or higher. All construction must be approved and stamped by a Professional Engineer registered to practice in the State of Texas and must comply with the current adopted International Building Code.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Building Permit Application,
- Two (2) copies of a site plan of property with dimensions indicating the location of the retaining wall on the property and its method of construction and
- Two (2) copies of plans approved and stamped by a Professional Engineer registered to practice in the State of Texas.
Plan Review
- Please allow two weeks for a plan review from the time application is submitted.
- The applicant will be notified when the plan review has been completed.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
The following inspections will be required:
- Footing Inspection and
- Final Inspection.
General Information
A permit for roof repair is required. All roofing materials used for residential construction must have a minimum Class C fire rating, and all construction must comply with the current adopted International Building and/or Residential Codes, as well as the City’s Code of Ordinances.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 East Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
Residential Permit Fees
Shingles only $75.00
Decking $150.00
Commercial Permit Fees
Roof shingle / Composition replacement $150.00
Decking $300
Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) $450
Scheduling Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000.
Electric Releases
Residential Properties
- Contact a licensed master electrician for an inspection of the property’s electrical system.
- On his/her stationery or letterhead, the electrician must provide the following statement verbatim:
- “We have completed an inspection of the electrical system at the above residential building and, in our opinion and to the best of our ability; the electrical system appears to be in good working order and in compliance with the electric code.”
- The above statement can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116 or email the Permitting Department.
- Upon receipt, the City will contact Oncor Electric Delivery Co. and release the property for electrical service.
Gas Service
All Properties
- Contact a licensed master plumber, who must obtain a permit for a gas test.
Permit Fee
- $75.00
- The plumber must request an inspection.
- Upon successful completion of the inspection, the City will contact Atmos Energy to release the space or property for gas service.
General Information
A permit is required for the installation of a water heater, which must comply with the requirements of the current adopted International Plumbing Code.
State law allows a homeowner to install a water heater, provided he/she holds a homestead certificate for the property and has resided there for more than one year. Any other person performing such work must be registered to work in the City of Duncanville as a master plumber and plumbing contractor (see Contractor Requirements below).
Homeowners installing water heaters as outlined above are required to obtain a permit and schedule an inspection upon completion of the work.
Requirements for Gas Water Heaters
Upper and lower combustion air must be provided when a water heater is installed in a closet area.
- Clearance of 1” must be maintained between the water heater vent and all combustible material.
- The maximum height of flex gas pipe is 36”.
- The minimum diameter of flex gas pipe is 1/2”.
- An approved gas shut-off valve must be installed at the appliance.
- All manufacturers’ specifications must be observed.
Requirements for All Water Heaters
- The pressure relief valve discharge pipe shall discharge to the outside not more than 6” above ground/floor level or into an approved indirect waste receptor.
- An approved pan must be installed, with a 1” drain line to the outside or to an approved receptor.
- The water heater pan must be approved for application.
- An isolation valve must be installed on the cold-water pipe of the water heater to allow water to be shut off.
- If installed in a garage, there must be pan drainpipes to the floor or to the outside.
- If installed in garages and attics, water pipes must be insulated.
Contractor Requirements
All contractors shall be registered to work in the City of Duncanville (except homeowners as specified above). Contractors may register online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 East Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116. The following items will be required for registration:
- Driver’s license,
- State of Texas Master Plumber’s license,
- Plumbing Contractor license
Submittal Requirements
Permits may be applied for online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
- Water Heater Permit cost $75.00 for each water heater installed
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000. The following inspections will be required:
- Final inspection upon completion of work.
General Information
A permit is required for a water service installation or repair when the repair involves or requires the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes, or fixtures.
A water service line is a pipe from the water meter to the point where the water distribution pipe enters a building.
Water service lines shall be a minimum of 12 inches below grade and shall be of approved material.
All materials used in the installation or repair of a water service line shall comply with the requirements of the Current adopted International Plumbing Code and International Residential Code.
Contractor Requirements
All contractors shall be registered to work in the City of Duncanville. Contractors may register online or in the Building Inspection Department at 203 East Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116. The following items will be required for registration:
- Driver’s license
- State of Texas Master Plumber’s license
Submittal Requirements
Permits may be applied for in the Building Inspection Department at 203 East Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
Water service line installation or repair is $75.00.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5000. The following inspections will be required:
- Inspection of the water service line installation is required before backfilling
- Final Inspection: all testing requirements shall be complied with, and final approval is given prior to allowing the water service line to be used for normal service.
- Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, if needed.
- Meetings are held in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
Members' Responsibility
The Board of Adjustment (BOA) consists of nine members and is charged with hearing and deciding appeals of:
- The requirements of building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and housing codes as written.
- Orders, decisions, or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application and interpretation of these codes.
- Provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
- Other requirements as may be specified by city ordinance.
Application & Fees
- An application form must be completed and the fee paid a minimum of two weeks prior to the meeting date.
- Fees:
- Appeals of orders, decisions or determinations of the Building Official: $25.00
- All other appeals: $125.00