General Information
The purpose of the American National Standard for Accessible & Usable Buildings & Facilities and the Texas Accessibility Standards of the Architectural Barrier Act is to allow a person with a physical disability to independently get to, enter, and use a site, facility, building, or element.
These standards govern the construction and placement of such facilities as building entry and exit systems, walkways, parking areas, restrooms, elevators and stairways.
All plans submitted along with a permit application will be reviewed for compliance with the above standards, and corrections will be required where such plans do not meet their requirements.
Submittal Requirements
Applications, plans, drawings and other required information should be submitted for review to the Permit and Inspection Services Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
General Information
The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants requires that a survey be performed to determine the presence of asbestos in a public or commercial building, and that the Texas Department of State Health Services be notified before demolition or renovation work begins.
The survey must be performed by a licensed Texas Asbestos Abatement Inspector, who must submit results to the City as well as TDSHS.
Contractor Requirements
All contractors shall be licensed by TDSHS as Texas Asbestos Abatement Inspectors, and must present current license credentials to the City.
Submittal Requirements
An asbestos survey must be included along with plans, drawings and other required information when applying for a demolition or renovation permit in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
Obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy
All businesses and uses of property in commercially zoned districts in the city must be covered by a Certificate of Occupancy (CO). (Customary home occupations do not require a CO.) A CO must be obtained prior to occupying or moving any items into a location.
Application Process
- Submit application, which will be reviewed to ensure that the location is zoned for the type of business to be conducted. Applications may be submitted electronically to or in person to Building Inspection located in Duncanville City Hall at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, Texas 75116.
- Pay $125 application fee, after which required inspections of the property will be scheduled.
- Schedule inspections. Inspections are conducted on Wednesdays from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. or Thursdays from 9:00 AM - 12:00 P Appointment times are not set; each inspector will arrive at their convenience during the block time.
- Pass or Fail. Each inspector will leave documentation in the form of a green tag (pass), red tag (fail) or written reports indicating the status of your inspection(s). The tags or reports will note if any additional repairs are required and who to contact for final inspection.
- Certificate of Occupancy will be available 7 - 10 days after all inspections have been completed.
FAQ's (For a complete list, click here)
What information is required on the application?
Certificate of Occupancy applicants should complete all sections of the form. An accurate business description is vital to the successful acceptance of the form and progression of the process. Questions regarding completion of the form should be asked prior to submittal so the proper department can respond to your concerns.
Is there a fee associated with the application?
Yes. The current fee as of 2/2015 is $125.00
Can I occupy space prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy?
The basic answer is no. You are encouraged to apply prior to signing lease or purchase documents so reviews of the property or space can be conducted to assure you will be successful.
What do I need to have ready for my pre-occupancy inspection?
You will be given basic instructions prior to your inspection date including but not limited to- safety requirements, cross connection and health. Most businesses will not need major improvements, but many need to meet some safety and building requirements.
When are occupancy inspections conducted?
Inspections to verify compliance with your application are made on Wednesdays between 1PM and 4:00 PM and Thursdays between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. One attempt will be made by the inspectors to complete your inspection during your requested time period. No-shows will be required to reschedule by contacting Building Inspections at (972) 780-5041, option 0 for the next available inspection time period.
No Advertising
Please remember that a CO does not permit the erection or display of signage, banners, or other forms of advertising at the site. All signage, including banners and other forms of temporary signage and advertising, requires the issuance of a separate permit. (See Sign Permits for details.)
City of Duncanville
Building Inspection
203 E. Wheatland Road
Duncanville, Texas 75116
972-780-5041, option 0
A cross connection is any physical connection between the drinking water system of a building and a potential source of contaminated water, such that contaminated water could be drawn into the drinking water system. Cross connections are a violation of the plumbing and health codes.
Common Cross Connections
- Garden hoses left on the ground, in a swimming pool or in a bucket of water.
- Drain pipe from a three-compartment sink the end of which is too close to floor drain.
- Hose connected to a sink faucet the other end of which is left in the sink filled with water.
- For information about cross connections and applicable regulations contact:
- Indoor plumbing systems: Building Inspection Department, 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116 phone 972-780-5040.
- Outdoor plumbing and irrigation systems: Cross Connection Inspection, phone 972-780-4946.
- Food service establishments: City Health Officer, 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116, phone 972-780-4963.
General Information
All new construction or alterations, additions renovations or repairs to existing buildings in Duncanville is governed by the 2009 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code. The intent of this code is to regulate the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy.
Contractor Requirements
All energy inspections must be performed by an approved third party independent inspection firm.
Submittal Requirements
Results of the energy inspection must be included along with plans, drawings and other required information when applying for a demolition or renovation permit in the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
Inspection requests can be made by contacting the Building Inspection Line at (972) 780-5000. Inspections must be requested by 4:00 PM for the next business day.
Please provide the following information:
- Project Address
- Type of Inspection
- Requesting A.M. (between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM) or P.M. (between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM)
- Contact name and telephone number
Inspection Results
Results of inspections will be left at the job site in the form of an Inspection Report or via the Citizen Access Portal.
- A re-inspection may be scheduled as soon as all deficiencies listed on the Report have been corrected.
- Please do not call the Building Inspection Department seeking results.
General Information
A permit is required for all new construction or remodeling of or addition to a commercial building. All construction must comply with the 2015 International Building Code, as well as the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
Submittal Requirements
Permit applications can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
The following items must be submitted for review:
- Building Permit Application
- Three (3) copies of a site plan
- Three (3) copies of construction plans
Plan Review & Fees
- Please allow three weeks for plan review from the time application is submitted.
- Applicant will be notified when plan review has been completed, at which time permit fee is payable.
- Fee is based on the cost of construction.
Required Inspections
The inspection request line number is (972) 780-5040 X2. This is an automated line available 24 hours a day.
The following inspections will be required:
- Plumbing Rough
- Framing
- Electrical Rough
- Plumbing Top-Out
- Mechanical Ducts & Condensate Drains
- Energy Code
- Electrical Final
- Mechanical Final
- Plumbing Final
- Water & Sewer Service Lines
Temporary / Permanent
Duncanville's sign ordinance categorizes signs as temporary or permanent.
- Temporary signs include banners (permit required) and minor signs. Certain temporary signs do not require permits. Consult the sign ordinance for details.
- Permanent signs include wall signs, monument signs and pole or highway signs, all of which require permits before they are erected. Permit fees for internally illuminated signs are $75.00; for non-illuminated signs $50.00.
Proposed Signage
Consult the sign ordinance for the following information about proposed signage:
- Allowed uses for each type of sign
- Maximum height and area
- Placement and setback requirements
- Maximum number of signs allowed
- How long temporary signs may be displayed
Submittal Requirements
- Dimensioned drawings of all proposed signs
- An accurate site plan showing the location of proposed monument, pole or highway signs
- The length of the front of a business on which a wall sign is to be erected
- The name and contact information for the sign contractor doing the work (Contractors erecting internally illuminated signs must be registered as
Electrical Sign Contractors and employing a Master Electrician or Master Sign Electrician.)
- A completed application form
Responsibility & Members
The Sign Control Board (SCB) is charged with hearing appeals to the requirements of Duncanville's sign ordinance. The SCB consists of seven members.
- Twice monthly, if required.
- Council Chamber at City Hall, 203 E. Wheatland Rd., Duncanville, TX 75116.
Application & Fee
- An application form must be completed and the fee paid two weeks before the meeting date.
- Non-refundable application fee: $75.00
Review of SCB Decisions
- All decisions made by the SCB are submitted to the City Council for review at the second council meeting following the SCB meeting at which the decision was made.
- No sign permits will be issued based on SCB decisions until the second council meeting following the SCB meeting.
Electric Releases
Commercial Properties
- Obtain a Certificate of Occupancy. Property will be released for electric power upon successful completion of inspection.
Residential Properties
- Contact a licensed master electrician for an inspection of the property's electrical system.
- On his/her stationery or letterhead, the electrician must provide the following statement verbatim:
- "We have completed an inspection of the electrical system at the above residential building and, in our opinion and to the best of our ability; the electrical system appears to be in good working order and in compliance with the electric code."
- The above statement can be submitted to the Building Inspection Department at 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116 or email to
- Upon receipt, the City will contact Oncor Electric Delivery Co. and release the property for electrical service.
Gas Service
All Properties
- Contact a licensed master plumber, who must obtain a permit for a gas test.
- The plumber must request an inspection.
- Upon successful completion of the inspection, the City will contact Atmos Energy to release the space or property for gas service.
- Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, if needed.
- Meetings are held in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 203 E. Wheatland Road, Duncanville, TX 75116.
Members' Responsibility
The Board of Adjustment (BOA) consists of nine members and is charged with hearing and deciding appeals of:
- The requirements of building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and housing codes as written.
- Orders, decisions, or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application and interpretation of these codes.
- Provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
- Other requirements as may be specified by city ordinance.
Application & Fees
- An application form must be completed and the fee paid a minimum of two weeks prior to the meeting date.
- Fees:
- Appeals of orders, decisions or determinations of the Building Official: $25.00
- All other appeals: $125.00