Having served the city of Duncanville since 1955, the Duncanville Public Library is dedicated to meeting the educational, cultural, recreational, and informational library needs of residents of all ages by providing an up-to-date collection of materials in print, audiovisual and digital formats. The Library collaborates with other city departments and local organizations to improve the quality of life in the city. As a dynamic institution, the Library adds new collections, services, and programs, and adapts existing ones, as the community changes and as new technologies develop.
We have also expanded our service area by partnering with three of our closest libraries: Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Lancaster. Residents of our four cities can now enjoy library privileges at any of the libraries. Click on the logos below to visit their websites.



(972) 291-7323
450 Pioneer Trail
Cedar Hill, TX 75104 |
(972) 230-9656
211 E. Pleasant Run Rd., Suite C
DeSoto, TX 75115 |
(972) 227-1080
1600 Veterans Memorial Pkwy.
Lancaster, TX 75134 |
Here's our Library Staff