Community Engagement Advisory Board

Meeting Schedule: To be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

Meeting Location: Duncanville City Hall. Location may change.

Mission Statement

The Community Engagement Advisory Board (CEAB) serves as a liaison facilitating communication between the community and City Council. The Board's priority is tasked with promoting transparency, encouraging public engagement and collaboration, and fostering a strong sense of community.

The Community Engagement Advisory Board consists of residents and community stakeholders collaborating to advise and create opportunities to strengthen our community. The Board recommends policies, procedures and practices that support the City of Duncanville.

That the Community Engagement Advisory Board shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed for two-year. Board members must be residents or stakeholders in the City of Duncanville.

Continuance of membership on the Board shall be contingent upon regular attendance at Board meetings. If as many as three meetings are missed in one calendar year without valid reason, the member shall be automatically divested of membership on the Community Engagement Advisory Board, and a vacancy declared, to be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment of the City Council. 

The Communications and Marketing Administrator or Specialist shall act as Board liaisons, who shall serve as an ex-officio member and secretary. Members of the Board may be reelected if they remain on the Board.

This Board shall establish a time and date for Board meetings and adopt procedures for these meetings. The Board can hold as many meetings as necessary to complete its purpose but shall hold at least six meetings per year.

The secretary shall keep an accurate record of proceedings of the meetings. Minutes of the meeting shall be approved at the next following meeting. Copies of the minutes shall be provided to the City Council.

A President shall preside over meetings of the Board, and shall represent the Board before the City Council or City Administration on matters which have majority vote approval of the Board. The President shall also establish such committees as are necessary for the conduct of the Board's business.

The Vice President shall assist the President in directing the affairs of the Board.

Agendas and Minutes

The City Secretary’s office is currently conducting an audit of meeting minutes. We will be updating information by the end of March 2025.

Current Members

Gianni LaBarba, Chair

Thomas Lackey, Vice Chair

Linda Lydia

Ruben Medina

Bridget Nevels

Amy Ruiz

Mari Vega

Staff Liaison

Alex Hamby
Communications and Marketing